These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire: U.S. President Donald Trump started off his weekend by claiming former president Barack Obama bugged Trump Tower shortly before election day last November. His sources? Right-wing talk show host Mark Levin and Breitbart News, which cited tangentially-related stories by way of right-wing site Heatstreet. Obama… Continue reading March 7th: Wiretapping, Torstar’s New CEO, and more
Category: Weekly Wire
February 27th: Spurned White House Correspondents, Net Neutrality, and more
These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire: Reporters for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, BuzzFeed, BBC, CNN, and Politico—aka the “opposition party”—were barred from a White House press briefing on Friday. The maneuver is just of the latest salvos in U.S. President Donald Trump’s ongoing feud with… Continue reading February 27th: Spurned White House Correspondents, Net Neutrality, and more
February 20th: “A Free Speech Rally,” a Facebook Manifesto, and more
These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire: Ezra Levant presided over a Rebel-hosted “rally for free speech” at Canada Christian College in Toronto last week. The rally was organized as a “stand against Sharia law”—the Rebel’s interpretation of M-103, a non-binding motion calling for a “whole-of-government approach” to combat… Continue reading February 20th: “A Free Speech Rally,” a Facebook Manifesto, and more
February 13th: A “Full Frontal Attack” on Whistleblowers, the Return of John Oliver, and more
These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire: Recently released draft recommendations to the U.K. government call for increasing the maximum prison sentence for government whistleblowers from two to 14 years. Also proposed: Expanding the definition of espionage to include the obtaining of information as well as passing it on to, say,… Continue reading February 13th: A “Full Frontal Attack” on Whistleblowers, the Return of John Oliver, and more
February 6th: Layoffs at Maclean’s, Gory Magazine Covers, and more
These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire: Seniority wasn’t enough to spare a number of top-flight Canadian journalists from pink slips. Maclean’s special issues editor Kim Honey, national correspondent Jonathan Gatehouse, and senior writer Chris Sorensen were among 13 laid-off staffers at the eminent monthly last week. Rogers Media said… Continue reading February 6th: Layoffs at Maclean’s, Gory Magazine Covers, and more