On February 21, the Toronto Star pulled its controversial Gardasil investigation offline after weeks of public backlash and outrage. A note from publisher John Cruickshank posted on February 20 said that while the paper remains “committed to this line of reporting, we have concluded that in this case our story treatment led to confusion between… Continue reading Unpublishing
Tag: Gardasil
The dangerous pride of the innumerate journalist
The following is a guest post from this year’s Review instructor Tim Falconer. “I suck at math—that’s why I went into journalism” has been a humblebrag since before the invention of the humblebrag. I heard people chortle about their mathematical incompetence back when I was a student and I still hear them laughing today. My reaction… Continue reading The dangerous pride of the innumerate journalist
The Alumni Essentials: week of February 16
You know what’s warmer than Toronto today? Wherever you’re reading this from! Ok, I’m sorry for that one. You’re probably thankful you came here for our alumni. I won’t keep you up here any longer. First, we’re congratulating Spring 2006 senior editor Matt Semansky on his soon-to-be-released book Small Business and the City: The Transformative Potential… Continue reading The Alumni Essentials: week of February 16