Offleash Podcast: Tech writing

Offleash is the Ryerson Review of Journalism’s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. In this week’s episode, our editor Kat Eschner and senior editor Viviane Fairbank discuss the intricacies of writing about technology. Matt Braga, a freelance writer formerly with Motherboard, and Claire Brownell of the Financial Post join… Continue reading Offleash Podcast: Tech writing

Why are we still talking about diversity?

“Is it Fateeema?” asked two editors interviewing me in a boardroom much too big for a three-person meeting. I tried to impress them with three story ideas: something about transit, something about local politics and something about immigration. They asked follow-up questions about the third one—How did I think of the story? What are the main issues?… Continue reading Why are we still talking about diversity?

20 Black Canadian journalists to celebrate this month (and every month!)

Illustration by Allison Baker

20 Black Canadian journalists to celebrate this month (and every month!) For Black History Month, we compiled a list of reporters who’ve made significant contributions to Canadian journalism. While many are well-known, others are doing substantial work that must be recognized. If there’s a journalist we missed, please contact us and we’ll add him or… Continue reading 20 Black Canadian journalists to celebrate this month (and every month!)

On the edge of ethics

In the summer of 2014, The Globe and Mail narrowly avoided an editorial staff strike over native advertising—the practice of working with advertisers to create ads that resemble journalism. A leaked memo from Globe management to the paper’s union proposed a system in which editorial staff would write for advertisers, compromising, in the minds of many Globe reporters,… Continue reading On the edge of ethics

Offleash Podcast: Valentine’s Day special

Offleash is the Ryerson Review of Journalism’s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. (with the exception of today—we’re a few days early to make it on time for Valentine’s Day listeners). In this week’s episode, our multimedia editors Eternity and Allison discuss all things journalism and love. Dan Westell… Continue reading Offleash Podcast: Valentine’s Day special
