The Markup: Capturing Yellowknife’s Range Street

The best long-form journalism involves a lot of red ink. An editor’s corrections, cuts, and revisions often go unseen by the public. Here at The Markup, our job is to dissect their choices.       Episode 2: Capturing Yellowknife’s Range Street Yellowknife’s 50th Street has many names. Strange Range, the Gold Range, or simply Range Street. Lonely… Continue reading The Markup: Capturing Yellowknife’s Range Street

February 6th: Layoffs at Maclean’s, Gory Magazine Covers, and more

These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire: Seniority wasn’t enough to spare a number of top-flight Canadian journalists from pink slips. Maclean’s special issues editor Kim Honey, national correspondent Jonathan Gatehouse, and senior writer Chris Sorensen were among 13 laid-off staffers at the eminent monthly last week. Rogers Media said… Continue reading February 6th: Layoffs at Maclean’s, Gory Magazine Covers, and more

Left out of the Sharing Economy

The RRJ recommends you check out “When Their Shifts End, Uber Drivers Set Up Camp in Parking Lots Across the U.S.,” in Bloomberg News. In a recent story about ride-hailing company Uber, Bloomberg News technology reporters Olivia Zaleski and Eric Newcomer dispense with the silicon valley jargon that so often infests the tech section of business-focused… Continue reading Left out of the Sharing Economy
