These are the stories we’re watching over the next week. Here is your Weekly Wire:
- CBC Radio 2 host Tom Power officially settles in as the new host of q today. He follows Shad, whom CBC brought on to rejuvenate the ailing program after Jian Ghomeshi’s dismissal in October 2014. Shad’s edition of q had its critics, and it suffered a steady drop in ratings during his tenure.
- Postmedia announced last week that it is offering buyouts to its employees in an attempt to cut 20 per cent from its salary costs. The company, which has been experiencing financial problems for the past few years, also said it may force layoffs if its target cannot be met. The RRJ will be covering this story as it develops.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in hot water after suggesting that the country no longer wants electoral reform due to his party’s (nearly) unabated popularity. Electoral reform was one of the Liberal Party’s campaign promises preceding the election that brought them to power in 2015.
- With just over two weeks remaining before the U.S. presidential election, Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway admitted during an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press that Trump is falling behind in the race. Her message for the home stretch: “He has legitimacy because he was once an insider.” Our fact checkers are currently looking into her statement.
- This Wednesday at 8 a.m., independent journalist Joey Coleman will be discussing his newest effort to cover Hamilton city hall, Public Record Radio Show, on CFMU Radio. Our own John-Michael Schneider will be in-studio—expect his take on Friday.
- Along with the Weekly Wire, the RRJ is happy to bring two other new weekly series to the website. Thursdays will feature Heds and Tales, which will briefly examine two different headlines covering the same story. Fridays will feature RRJ Recommends, which will review stories, projects, and publications that we love, and that we think you’ll love too. Take a look at last week’s RRJ Recommends about Reply All, a nerdy podcast by nerds, and occasionally about nerds, too.
To see more frequent updates from the RRJ, please follow us on Twitter. You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more in-depth news analysis. We’ll be back with your next Weekly Wire on Monday, October 31.
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