Five things journalists can do to stay secure online

Matt Braga and Susana Ferreira speak at Day of MediaToo on April 10, 2018.

The past decade has seen the journalism industry undergo a significant shift. As technology’s influence on our day-to-day lives has grown, so too has its impact on media, with today’s online environment requiring journalists to be well-versed in the art of digital security. With that in mind, the Ryerson Review of Journalism hosted Matthew Braga,… Continue reading Five things journalists can do to stay secure online

Choosing to talk with cancer

Senior CBC reporter Jody Porter is drawing on multiple sources of energy to help navigate her own cancer diagnosis. Among them, family, a new dog and the strength witnessed from countless women she’s encountered over her more than twenty years as a journalist in Canada.

In a RRJ exclusive, veteran Indigenous reporter Jody Porter reflects on the strength she’s found in the women she’s met, and how cancer has caused change
