That time Rob Ford wrote an op-ed

West Annex News/Flickr

Rob Ford is back in the news–this time, of his own choosing. In a special to the National Post published on December 3, 2015, Ford wrote an op-ed to mark the one-year anniversary of John Tory’s mayoral term. “Congratulations, John, you’re sitting in the big chair and you’ve finally shaped up to be a typical politician,” wrote the… Continue reading That time Rob Ford wrote an op-ed

Who’s telling the truth about #WelcomeRefugees?

Do we know the truth about the Liberal refugee plan?

I don’t know who’s telling the truth about the Liberal refugee plan. On the one hand, there’s Paul McLeod, BuzzFeed‘s political editor, who published an article on November 25, 2015, titled “Someone Gave The Media A Bunch Of False Info About Canada’s Syrian Refugee Plan.” McLeod takes issue with a CBC report by Rosemary Barton that, days before the Liberals… Continue reading Who’s telling the truth about #WelcomeRefugees?

Editorial endorsement dispute continues as Financial Post editor criticizes John Honderich

It’s been nearly a month since the federal election, and journalists are still feuding over editorial endorsements. To recap, Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey forced all of the chain’s papers to endorse the Conservative Party of Canada. Former National Post editorials and comment editor Andrew Coyne wrote a column endorsing another party and resigned from his position as… Continue reading Editorial endorsement dispute continues as Financial Post editor criticizes John Honderich

Thank you, Andrew Coyne

Via Andrew Coyne's Twitter account.

Andrew Coyne resigned as the editor of the Editorials and Comment section of the National Post today, and journalists should be thankful he did. The resignation comes after Postmedia executives prevented Coyne from writing a column dissenting from the National Post’s endorsement of the Conservative Party of Canada because it would “confuse readers and embarrass… Continue reading Thank you, Andrew Coyne

Stop talking about the niqab

Journalists have been enthralled with the niqab debate over the last few weeks. In order to get a better sense of what to make of the niqab coverage, I spoke to the communications director at the National Council of Canadian Muslims, Amira Elghawaby. Elghawaby’s most pressing critique of niqab journalism is simply that there’s too… Continue reading Stop talking about the niqab
