Much ado about endorsements

Newspaper Endorsements for Election 2015 got Twitter talking.

Election day is finally, finally upon us, but the longest campaign in Canadian history since 1872 didn’t end quietly for the country’s print newspapers. If anything, it ended nonsensically. Questions of who controls newspapers’ editorial voice haunted the final week of #elxn42 as print media outlets published their editorial board’s federal election choices. Some internet… Continue reading Much ado about endorsements

Stop talking about the niqab

Journalists have been enthralled with the niqab debate over the last few weeks. In order to get a better sense of what to make of the niqab coverage, I spoke to the communications director at the National Council of Canadian Muslims, Amira Elghawaby. Elghawaby’s most pressing critique of niqab journalism is simply that there’s too… Continue reading Stop talking about the niqab

Do editorial endorsements matter?

On October 17, The Globe and Mail published an editorial announcing their endorsement for Toronto’s mayoral race: “John Tory is Toronto’s best bet.” Torontoist wants citizens to vote for Olivia Chow and the Toronto Star will release their endorsement this week. These endorsements may be a big deal for candidates. But beyond politician’s personal promotion,… Continue reading Do editorial endorsements matter?

Stories in the ashes: covering disaster in Lac-Mégantic

By Rebecca Melnyk  Inside his west-end Toronto apartment, Justin Giovannetti was cocooned in blankets, sick in bed with a bad cold on his day off. His cellphone rang. Dennis Choquette, his editor at The Globe and Mail, wanted him in the office. Giovannetti rolled off his mattress, slipped into his least flattering clothes and schlepped in… Continue reading Stories in the ashes: covering disaster in Lac-Mégantic

Willfully blind

By Brittany Devenyi, Gianluca Inglesi, and Rhiannon Russell The morning of Monday, September 17, 2012, reader Carol Wainio sent a 2,135-word email to Globe and Mail editor-in-chief John Stackhouse. It detailed multiple instances in a 2009 column by Margaret Wente, “Enviro-romanticism Is Hurting Africa,” of what Wainio called “very significant overlap” with stories from sources as disparate as Food Chemical News and The… Continue reading Willfully blind
