Offleash podcast: Kill fees and story theft

Offleash is the Ryerson Review of Journalism‘s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. In this week’s episode of RRJ’s Offleash, Viviane and Allison speak to Alex Gillis, who recently made news in the journalism industry after his story was killed then used by The Walrus. We also interview Derek Finkle from… Continue reading Offleash podcast: Kill fees and story theft

Much ado about endorsements

Newspaper Endorsements for Election 2015 got Twitter talking.

Election day is finally, finally upon us, but the longest campaign in Canadian history since 1872 didn’t end quietly for the country’s print newspapers. If anything, it ended nonsensically. Questions of who controls newspapers’ editorial voice haunted the final week of #elxn42 as print media outlets published their editorial board’s federal election choices. Some internet… Continue reading Much ado about endorsements


On February 21, the Toronto Star pulled its controversial Gardasil investigation offline after weeks of public backlash and outrage. A note from publisher John Cruickshank posted on February 20 said that while the paper remains “committed to this line of reporting, we have concluded that in this case our story treatment led to confusion between… Continue reading Unpublishing

Jesse Brown: saviour, danger, jerk?

Photo courtesy CANADALAND

Last Tuesday evening I learned some new things from Jesse Brown: he and a friend made the song that opens his show Canadaland, News Canada—which provides free editorial content—sources articles from the federal government and, well, that’s about it. “The news, Jian and me: a conversation with Jesse Brown,” was advertised as two hours of… Continue reading Jesse Brown: saviour, danger, jerk?
