La Presse columnist Patrick Lagacé has had his phone data tracked by Montreal Police for several months, drawing domestic and worldwide condemnation.
Category: The Magazine
The New Yorker’s “United Blood”: How Hardcore Conquered New York
This is the kind of content our staff is interested in. Here is your weekly RRJ Recommends.
Boo for Bad Puns: Unfunny editors and why we love them
Hed: (n) Newsroom Jargon for Headlines Headlines are tricky. They have to grab flighty readers’ attention, tell a story, and hopefully even squeeze in a witticism. The smallest choices affect readers’ first impressions and, sometimes, their only take on the story. Once a week, we analyze the different ways Canadian news outlets present the same story.… Continue reading Boo for Bad Puns: Unfunny editors and why we love them
October 31st: Fact-checking Trump, net neutrality, and more
These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire: Daniel Dale, the Toronto Star‘s Washington correspondent, appeared on CNN‘s Reliable Sources Sunday to discuss fact-checking Donald Trump. Since September, Dale’s taken to Twitter to fact-check Trump, often catching as many as 20 false statements in a single day. Political reporters’… Continue reading October 31st: Fact-checking Trump, net neutrality, and more
Turning Up the Dial on The Public Record
Joey Coleman is making Hamilton’s local politics accessible to the public on his new radio show.