We’re having a party!

RRJ Fundraiser ad

fundraising party

Do you like magazines and mingling? Then we’ve got something for you!

On November 25, we’ll be hosting the annual RRJ fundraising party at Supermarket for the Spring 2015 issue. The masthead officially invites you—yes, you—to come out between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. and drink some beer, indulge in sweets, win prizes and trade journalism horror stories!

Tickets are now on sale for $8. They can be purchased at the RRJ office in the Rogers Communication Centre (if you feel like visiting us!), or contact:

Erica Lenti—(416) 459-4475
Arielle Piat-Sauvé—(416) 821-9825

Tickets will be $10 at the door.

Any questions? Email the blog editor or check out our Facebook event! We’re looking forward to seeing (and drinking with) you!


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About the author

Cormac was the blog editor for the 2014-15 issue of the Review. As a fourth year undergraduate at the School of Journalism, he had a keen interest in sports and business writing. He also hosted the Krates Collective hip hop podcast.

Categorized as Blog

By Cormac McGee

Cormac was the blog editor for the 2014-15 issue of the Review. As a fourth year undergraduate at the School of Journalism, he had a keen interest in sports and business writing. He also hosted the Krates Collective hip hop podcast.

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