Alumni Essentials: week of January 26, 2012

We’re very sorry to throw you out of your routine by pushing the Alumni Essentials to Tuesday this week, but hopefully our piece on Jesse Brown and media criticism made up for it. We won’t make you wait any longer with this intro, below are some of our favourite recent pieces: Winter 2012 multimedia editor… Continue reading Alumni Essentials: week of January 26, 2012

Can Leslie Roberts return to journalism?

Most people entering journalism school have big dreams for themselves in the media—anchor, lead foreign correspondent, daily political columnist. As we near the end of our four years here, many have tweaked their goals, taking positions at advertising and public relations firms that promise a salary large enough to pay rent and put food on… Continue reading Can Leslie Roberts return to journalism?

The other side

Videos depicting beheadings of journalists, aid workers and other foreigners are too common as we focus on the conflict in Iraq and Syria. The photos of the James Foley beheading that were captured from the video released by ISIS haunt me. They’re terrifying. In late November, news regarding an Israeli-Canadian who was reportedly captured by… Continue reading The other side

When a story is breaking, don’t trust the media

During the attack and manhunt in Parliament and around downtown Ottawa yesterday, there was a flood of journalists, citizens, police and politicians trying to keep to country informed. From approximately 10 a.m. onwards, your newsfeeds were likely filled with commentary and updates on the situation.   When the whole nation is watching a story unfold,… Continue reading When a story is breaking, don’t trust the media
