That time Rob Ford wrote an op-ed

West Annex News/Flickr

Rob Ford is back in the news–this time, of his own choosing. In a special to the National Post published on December 3, 2015, Ford wrote an op-ed to mark the one-year anniversary of John Tory’s mayoral term. “Congratulations, John, you’re sitting in the big chair and you’ve finally shaped up to be a typical politician,” wrote the… Continue reading That time Rob Ford wrote an op-ed

Robyn Doolittle hosts an AMA, inevitably receives stupid questions

Q: What happens when an internationally-recognized Canadian journalist who has written extensively on what is arguably the country’s biggest political scandal to date holds an online question-and-answer period? A: She receives a bunch of really, really stupid questions. Robyn Doolittle should be applauded for her efforts to connect with Torontonians on Reddit Tuesday after hosting… Continue reading Robyn Doolittle hosts an AMA, inevitably receives stupid questions

Multimedia journalism misunderstood

By Marissa Dederer Ryan Jackson’s rig looks more like a Grade 6 science project than a 360-degree video machine. Using elastic bands and red gaffer tape, he’s bound four GoPro cameras and a digital recorder to a square plastic patio-table leg—and mounted it on a tripod with the same tape-will-fix-all attitude. The finishing touch: two Edmonton… Continue reading Multimedia journalism misunderstood
