I’m dirty, wet and trapped inside 42 tons of armour. A 105-millimetre gun leads the way. Leaning forward, with my camouflage helmet bumping against the gunner’s sight, I watch the horizon rock up and down as my Leopard tank rumbles down a central Alberta dirt road. Canadian Leopards rolled into Afghanistan recently, the first time… Continue reading Canadian Forces 101
Series: Fall 2006
Issues First, Journalism Second
he Monday evening at Revival is growing old. It must be hot on the crowded platform, where the mayor and his interrogators exist in close quarters beneath stage lights and a Spacing sign. David Miller is taking a swig from his water bottle between questions, the sound of TTC chimes signals when his airtime is… Continue reading Issues First, Journalism Second
Right or Wong?
On Wednesday, September 13, the calm of a rainy early afternoon at Montreal’s Dawson College was broken by gunfire. Kimveer Gill entered the campus carrying a semi-automatic Beretta and began shooting like a child at a midway game. He fired 60 shots, wounding 20 people and killing one before turning the gun on himself. Three… Continue reading Right or Wong?
Reality is the New Black
Julie Montpetit is preparing for her close-up. The camera pans from her black platform pumps to the nut-coloured leather belt cinched high on her waist. She’s perfectly composed until you meet her eyes, which are tearing up with fright, pink and wet under the spotlights. It’s a Friday morning in downtown Montreal, and any other… Continue reading Reality is the New Black
For Those About to be Babes of the Month
Number 29 bends so low the photographer’s camera lens is centred with the crack of cleavage between her breasts – and he’s crouching on the floor nearly six inches below the makeshift stage. The blonde then sucks in her small belly and, impossibly, she’s thinner. Slow and exact, her hands rove over the tight fabric… Continue reading For Those About to be Babes of the Month