Offleash Podcast: Journalists-turned-politicians

A photo of the Offleash podcast team.

A photo of the Offleash podcast team.

Offleash is the Ryerson Review of Journalism’s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m.

In this week’s episode—the final episode of this year’s masthead—senior editor Viviane Fairbank and multimedia editor Allison Baker discuss a new career option: becoming a politician.

Patrice Dutil, a politics professor (with some journalistic insight), weighs in. There is also talk of the Review‘s launch party on Monday, March 21. We hope to see you all there!

Offleash, the Review’s podcast created by senior editor Viviane Fairbank and multimedia editors Allison Baker and Eternity Martis, is now on iTunes.

Music courtesy of Paul Nathan Harper, also known as A F L O A T. Find his music here: @a-f-l-o-a-t

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About the author

Viviane Fairbank is the Senior Editor of the 2016 issue of the RRJ.

By Viviane Fairbank

Viviane Fairbank is the Senior Editor of the 2016 issue of the RRJ.
