
Offleash Podcast hosts sitting on campus


Welcome to the Ryerson Review of Journalism‘s first-ever regular podcast, published on RRJ.ca every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. In our introductory episode, we get to know our hosts and learn what to expect from RRJ Offleash.

Music in this episode courtesy of Paul Nathan Harper, also known as A F L O A T. Find his music here: @a-f-l-o-a-t

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About the author

Viviane Fairbank is the Senior Editor of the 2016 issue of the RRJ.

  1. Not yet a podcast, already a presence! I admire the courage and tone of these young ladies trying out what can be done and sharing their plans and promises. They invite us to the tuning of their voices and topics: it reminds me of this magical moment in a concert, when the musicians tune their instruments and the orchestra comes to life. We hear some melodies running here and there, the brouhaha of hesitations and corrections, the certitude of music coming. Three Muses, and a fabulous placeholder.

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