October 31st: Fact-checking Trump, net neutrality, and more

These are the stories we’re watching this week. Here is your Weekly Wire:   Daniel Dale, the Toronto Star‘s Washington correspondent, appeared on CNN‘s Reliable Sources Sunday to discuss fact-checking Donald Trump. Since September, Dale’s taken to Twitter to fact-check Trump, often catching as many as 20 false statements in a single day. Political reporters’… Continue reading October 31st: Fact-checking Trump, net neutrality, and more

October 24th: The new new q, more Postmedia layoffs, and more

  These are the stories we’re watching over the next week. Here is your Weekly Wire:   CBC Radio 2 host Tom Power officially settles in as the new host of q today. He follows Shad, whom CBC brought on to rejuvenate the ailing program after Jian Ghomeshi’s dismissal in October 2014. Shad’s edition of… Continue reading October 24th: The new new q, more Postmedia layoffs, and more
