How a start-up called The Athletic is reshaping sports journalism
Category: Articles
No Escape: The neverending online threats to female journalists
Journalists—especially those who are women and members of marginalized communities—increasingly find themselves targets of online rage.
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Six women on their experiences of sexual harassment in and out of the newsroom
Charm will get you only so far
The video is tightly framed around Justin Trudeau in the middle of a Montreal crowd, days before last fall’s federal election. Off-screen, a reporter’s voice says, “As recently as yesterday evening, your party was defending Mr. Gagnier’s actions—” Trudeau nods “—saying essentially that he played by the rules.” Trudeau nods again, tight-lipped and wide-eyed. Dan… Continue reading Charm will get you only so far
Natural Fit
Update: Linda Solomon Wood, editor of the National Observer, disputes the characterization of the Observer as “anti-corporate” and “green.” It is the Review writer’s own analysis and does not necessarily reflect the mandate of the publication. The Observer would rather describe itself as “anti-corruption.” Also, while the Observer did indeed win a CJF award for Excellence in… Continue reading Natural Fit