Offleash podcast: Fact checking

Offleash is the Ryerson Review of Journalism‘s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. In this second episode, hosts Viviane, Eternity, and Allison speak to Rudy Lee, a freelance fact checker in New York, and Veronica Maddocks, head of research at Toronto Life, about the current state of fact checking in… Continue reading Offleash podcast: Fact checking

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Offleash podcast: An introduction

  Welcome to the Ryerson Review of Journalism‘s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. In our introductory episode, we get to know our hosts and learn what to expect from RRJ Offleash. Music in this episode courtesy of Paul Nathan Harper, also known as A F L O A T.… Continue reading Offleash podcast: An introduction
