The Ryerson Review ebook: get it while it’s hot

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Thanks to all the friends of the Review who came out to our ebook launch party at Measure earlier this week.

If you missed the party, don’t miss the main event. RRJ in Review: Thirty Years of Watching the Watchdogs is now available on Amazon for a paltry $4.78—less than a venti latte. Do you really need that latte?

But wait, there’s more: the ebook will soon be available for other platforms, too. Watch this space for more links to buy our anthology.

Remember to follow the Review and its masthead on Twitter. Email the blog editor here.


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About the author

Yusur was the head of research and writer for the 2014-2015 issue of the Review. She was a second year MA of Journalism student and a freelance journalist with keen interest on politics and human rights. Yusur is a Twitterholic!

Categorized as Blog

By Yusur Al Bahrani

Yusur was the head of research and writer for the 2014-2015 issue of the Review. She was a second year MA of Journalism student and a freelance journalist with keen interest on politics and human rights. Yusur is a Twitterholic!
