The Latest: Newspapers Feb.8

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The Latest

Overwhelmed by information? Buried by media? The RRJ is here to help with a new daily section designed to help you keep up with the latest and greatest journalism, across all mediums.

This week, impressions and reviews for the world’s first daily tablet newspaper are all over the internet. Whether you love it or not, The Daily is here.


The Daily

The Daily was officially launched by media magnate Rupert Murdoch last Wednesday – February 2, 2011 – and works like a newspaper, arriving every morning, but with the benefits of an online publication: updates throughout the day and access to a variety of multimedia.

The Daily’s official site contains information about pricing as well as a link to the Apple app store where it can be downloaded. Currently it is only compatible with the iPad.

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About the author

Erica Lenti was the Spring 2015 editor of the RRJ.

Categorized as Blog

By Erica Lenti

Erica Lenti was the Spring 2015 editor of the RRJ.
