The Latest: Magazines March 2

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To cap off the end of the month, the magazine world saw a new launch: design, food and travel magazine Dabble went online Monday.




Despite so many magazines launching digital these days, according to the 21st World Ad Conference, print continues to provide the bulk of revenue. One of the reasons being that magazine and newspaper companies are the only ones that can offer print as part of the multimedia-advertising package—“a unique advantage offering advertising effectiveness, audience loyalty and an attractive environment for advertisers,” said Editor and Publisher. Still, these magazines’ creators seem attracted to the freedom you get by going online.

An article that appeared in the Calgary Herald just before Dabble’s launch discussed the new mag’s advantage of space.  It was also a big reason shelter book Covet Garden chose the online route in September: “to save the costs of print, and avoid the hassles of page count,” according to Masthead Online. Dabble’s debut issue manages to pack-in designer profiles, lush layouts of living spaces, and a step-by-step guide to a designer’s process. That’s just a few pieces in the first portion of the publication. Then there’s the travel section, complete with stops in the Grenadine Islands, Nashville, Ethiopia and Prague, among other locations. The food section provides readers with recipes for coffees around the globe, and a how-to on making sushi with Dabble’s resident chef. It’s all packaged in a sleek and fairly simple layout—not that you would expect much less from a magazine said to celebrate good design in its many forms.

Here’s a list of some of the latest online magazine launches:

WorkLivePlay Café is geared towards tech-savvy women who want to know about the latest digital trends and learn how to incorporate them into their daily lives.

– Queeries is directed at Canadian Queer women, but also welcomes other like-minded people, no matter how they identify.

– Real Style emerged from the Real Style network and is specifically focused on celebrity, shopping and fashion for women.

– The Kit calls itself “Canada’s Beauty Authority,” an informative and progressive source for beauty.

– Covet Garden is a design magazine based on spaces that haven’t been styled by interior decorators and reflect those who live in them.

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