The Latest: Magazines Feb. 9

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Overwhelmed by information? Buried by media? The RRJ is here to help with a new daily section designed to keep you up with the latest and greatest journalism, across all mediums.

The latest circulation numbers show that Canadian magazines have experienced both growth and decline. View the list of magazines and their percentages here. In the United States, on the other hand, sales are steadily dropping and declining faster in the second half of 2010 than they did in the first, read more here.

Despite what may seem like rocky waters for print publications, there are niche magazines launching this week both in Canada and in the U.S. In Edmonton, Be Fabulous!, a magazine geared towards women 40 and over, hit the stands this week. Down south, a U.S. a magazine called Tea Party Review —which advertises itself as “The first national magazine for, by and about the Tea Party Movement”—is set to launch this Friday, Feb. 11 at the CPAC conference in Washington, D.C.

Tea Party Review

Is Transcontinental being more realistic in its decision to close Madame, or should publications take more risks like Be Fabulous! and Tea Party Review.


Local magazine event:

The Canadian Society of Magazine Editors is hosting a “Pimp Your Blog” mixer on Feb. 15. Speakers like Spacing publisher and creative director Matthew Blackett, amongst others, hope to help attendees learn how to stimulate more blog traffic.
Where: Bar Italia, 582 College St.
When: Tuesday, February 15th
How much: $30 at the door or free with your 2011 membership (Entrance includes a drink and hors d’oeuvres).

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About the author

Erica Lenti was the Spring 2015 editor of the RRJ.

Categorized as Blog

By Erica Lenti

Erica Lenti was the Spring 2015 editor of the RRJ.
