BuzzFeed’s search for marginalized writers is progressive, not racist

A screenshot of the message displayed upon searching for Scaachi Koul's Twitter profile

White men effectively control Canadian journalism. But recent events have shown that’s not enough: any challenge to their dominance must be condemned. On February 18, BuzzFeed senior writer Scaachi Koul tweeted a call for longform writers, particularly those who aren’t white or male. This was a commendable step toward breaking down barriers preventing people from entering, and then… Continue reading BuzzFeed’s search for marginalized writers is progressive, not racist

Scaachi Koul faced some legitimate criticism that shouldn’t be ignored

CBC News / Via

My fellow blog editor Fatima Syed wrote an important blog post yesterday responding to the Twitter debate regarding BuzzFeed Canada senior writer Scaachi Koul’s appearance on The National. I agree with the main argument put across in Syed’s post: we need to fight for newsroom diversity in order to allow more women of colour to… Continue reading Scaachi Koul faced some legitimate criticism that shouldn’t be ignored

We need to talk about female journalists of colour

CBC News / Via

As with many things on the internet, it all started with someone stating their 140-character opinion about something they had watched. The comment was made in regard to Scaachi Koul’s appearance during a segment on The National about affirmative action in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet.  Koul, a senior writer for BuzzFeed Canada, spoke in agreement… Continue reading We need to talk about female journalists of colour

Alumni Essentials: week of January 26, 2012

We’re very sorry to throw you out of your routine by pushing the Alumni Essentials to Tuesday this week, but hopefully our piece on Jesse Brown and media criticism made up for it. We won’t make you wait any longer with this intro, below are some of our favourite recent pieces: Winter 2012 multimedia editor… Continue reading Alumni Essentials: week of January 26, 2012

The Alumni Essentials: stepping back

As journalists, we spend most of our time catching up with breaking news. Interviewing experts, people at a scene other journalists, for the latest tips and stories, while checking libraries and databases for context. This week, we’re looking at alumni who are taking a step back to look at the process of how their characters,… Continue reading The Alumni Essentials: stepping back
