A year after the Grands Prix launch, the awards join the NMAs in a single program.
Tag: national magazine awards
Sketches of Obe
Don Obe 1936-2014 No better magazine editor ever put pencil to paper than Don Obe. And that’s when he would have stopped me. “Awkward sentence, Paul,” he would have said. “And what kind of pencil? Short? Stubby? 2B? HB? Eraser? Details, Paul, details.” I met Don at this time of year in 1961… Continue reading Sketches of Obe
Thanks, Lynn
By Ronan O’Beirne There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes at the Review, and nobody has seen or done more than Lynn Cunningham. A widely respected editor before joining the faculty at Ryerson (she received, among other accolades, the National Magazine Awards’ lifetime achievement award in 1999), Lynn has been a mentor to countless writers… Continue reading Thanks, Lynn