Offleash podcast: Kill fees and story theft

Offleash is the Ryerson Review of Journalism‘s first-ever regular podcast, published on every second Wednesday at 3:33 p.m. In this week’s episode of RRJ’s Offleash, Viviane and Allison speak to Alex Gillis, who recently made news in the journalism industry after his story was killed then used by The Walrus. We also interview Derek Finkle from… Continue reading Offleash podcast: Kill fees and story theft

Can Seven-Minute Speeches Save a Magazine?

A heavy silence takes over the room as Sylvia Maracle, executive director of the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres, takes a pause during her seven-minute speech. “You need to make sure that when people arrive they understand that some of the trauma they have left is the trauma that exists here for the original people… Continue reading Can Seven-Minute Speeches Save a Magazine?
