One Year Later, The Sprawl Is a Quiet Riot

(L-R): Natasha Campagna (DMZ Sandbox), Ashutosh Syal (DMZ Sandbox), Jeremy Klaszus (The Sprawl), Asmaa Malik (Ryerson School of Journalism), Kevin Chan (Facebook). (Photo: Celina Gallardo)

In a year, Jeremy Klaszus has won $100,000, crowdfunded over $5,000, and spotlighted underreported stories—and he’s just getting started

The other side

Videos depicting beheadings of journalists, aid workers and other foreigners are too common as we focus on the conflict in Iraq and Syria. The photos of the James Foley beheading that were captured from the video released by ISIS haunt me. They’re terrifying. In late November, news regarding an Israeli-Canadian who was reportedly captured by… Continue reading The other side
