Spring 2019 Launch Party

About the event

Come celebrate the 35th year of the RRJ at our 2019 Magazine Launch Party!

Our masthead is proud to bring you an issue that dives deep into the current Canadian media climate, bringing you stories that go beyond the doom and gloom.

Join us on Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m., where we’ll have a live band, catering, drinks, AND the unveiling of our 2019 magazine cover.


$5 Entry Ticket

$10 Entry Ticket + Copy of *NEW* RRJ 2019 issue


Tecumseh Auditorium (SCC 115)
Ryerson Student Center
55 Gould St, Toronto, ON

*The location and bathrooms are wheelchair accessible. For any accessibility concerns, please email adam.russell.chen@ryerson.ca


7:30 p.m.

Doors and bar open

8:00 p.m.

Magazine unveiling and speeches

8:30 p.m.

Live band and reception


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