Pioneer Spirits

Note: This is a somewhat longer version of the same story that originally appeared in the Summer 2011 issue of the RRJ – Ed) The local newscast in Victoria, B.C., looks much like any other local news broadcast. A handsome anchorman wearing a smart suit delivers news of the quest to find a young girl’s… Continue reading Pioneer Spirits

War Torn

When my older brother and I were kids, around ages 10 and 6, we would gather with our friends by a small river on the other side of the fence of our grade school. When the sun went down we’d scour the neighbourhood, collecting empty aerosol cans and building small piles of them by the… Continue reading War Torn

How Designers Think

Innovation in Newspaper Design American newspapers have long been the paragon of newspaper design, but in the past decade many have “lapsed into a lethargy that’s made them homogenized, sanitized and deca einated,” said Mario Garcia, in a 1996 American Journalism Review article. Today many are shackled to a bottom-line mentality as a result of… Continue reading How Designers Think


It was November 2006 and I sat in my high school’s library as a university representative lectured a group of bored Grade 12 students about the importance of post-secondary education. I knew I was going to university. Both my parents had degrees, my brother was about to graduate, and to avoid that dreaded “black sheep”… Continue reading Branded

Vice Goes Global

BAGHDAD, 2006 Iraq’s August sun blasts waves of heat like a blow-dryer to the skin. Under palm tree shade, Suroosh Alvi and Eddy Moretti are surrounded by a motorcade of film crew and AK-47–toting security. They’ve paid $1,500 a day for a bulletproof suv, another car without armour, two drivers, two shooters and a translator… Continue reading Vice Goes Global
