RRJ-themed Press Pass (because the fun isn’t over just yet)

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Greetings, readers!

I’m here to inform you of one more great event. Thanks to the always fabulous Nadja Sayej (of ArtStars* fame), the popular journalist-centred booze fest Press Pass is hosting a special RRJ-inspired event. It takes place on Wednesday, April 25, at the Press Club (because where else can you party hard with all your journalist friends and still feel scholastic?).Here’s what Sayej has to say about the event:

“It is time! For Press Pass to merge forces with the all-powerful Ryerson Review of Journalism kids at Ryerson University—the whippersnappers, have you. Wasn’t it Paul Knox who said something about dem “hitting the ground running”? Welp, news is history on the run and these kids have run a marathon, I’m sure. Come celebrate, meet the new school. Buy a drink, get a magazine, and more! Everyone is welcome! Even those crusty professors.”

So, we expect to see you there. This event is extra-special because it’s dedicated to both the Winter and Summer mastheads of the past year. It gives us a chance to celebrate each other (we’re all working for the same publication here). Things will kick off around 8 p.m. and will last well into the evening. There’s no cover and the drinks are cheap. Come hang out with us because we’d love to meet you.

See you at the Club!

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About the author

Sara Harowitz was the Editor of the Summer 2012 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.

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By Sara Harowitz

Sara Harowitz was the Editor of the Summer 2012 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.
