Patti Tasko unveils 2010 CP Style Guide

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Alec Bain speaks to Canadian Press editor Patti Tasko about the 16th edition of the Canadian Press Stylebook and how the new gCP Style Guide is redefining journalism while remaining loyal to traditional journalistic policy.uide tackles the internet and new media.

Every two years the Canadian Press comes out with a national guide for Canadian journalists on reporting. With the rapid growth in sources and social networks, the 2010 issue is loaded with brand new forms of journalistic style.

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About the author

Iain Alec Bain was the Multimedia Editor for the Winter 2011 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.

By Iain Alec Bain

Iain Alec Bain was the Multimedia Editor for the Winter 2011 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.
