These are the stories we’re watching over the next week. Here is your Weekly Wire:
- Toronto Star reporter Jennifer Yang will take on the brand-new “identity and inequality” beat. The Star continues to “reshape the newsroom” as several other changes announced on November 18 take effect. Other new beats include “legal affairs” with Jacques Gallant and a deeper foray into “non-political, non-Ontario national news” with Montreal-based Allan Wood (phew, say those who continue to suspect Toronto is not the centre of the universe).
- On Wednesday, the Canadian Journalism Foundation is hosting “Digital or Bust? The Future of Magazines” at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto. Print advocate John MacArthur, president and publisher of the 166-year-old Harper’s Magazine, is almost sure to agree-to-disagree with Steve Maich of Rogers Media, which has recently decided to put more of its eggs in the digital basket. Guests will also hear from Sarah Fulford, editor of Toronto Life, and Jonathan Kay, editor-in-chief of The Walrus.
- Two media unions, CWA Canada and Unifor Local 87-M, are calling for Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey and other company brass to turn down a total of $2.3 million in retention bonuses. The news comes on the heels of another round of buyouts aimed at cutting 20 per cent from Postmedia’s labour costs. In an internal memo obtained by J-Source, National Post editor-in-chief Anne Marie Owens said the newsroom “reorganization” will involve a transition toward an exclusively digital presence.
- CanLit writers who signed an open letter questioning author Steven Galloway’s dismissal from UBC may now wish their pens weren’t quite so mighty. The letter prompted a condemnation from UBC sexual-assault policy experts, sexual-assault survivors, and disappointed fans, and several writers who signed the original, such as Charlotte Gill, removed their names in the fallout. The next chapter? The main complainant in the allegations against Galloway broke her silence last Thursday.
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About the author
This is a joint byline for the Ryerson Review of Journalism. All content is produced by students in their final year of the graduate or undergraduate program at the Ryerson School of Journalism.