Ryerson Review of Journalism Fundraiser

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The Ryerson Review of Journalism is celebrating its 30th anniversary with the release of its Summer 2013 issue. However, producing a magazine of professional quality comes with plenty of costs, from printing to art. While we receive tremendous support from the Ryerson School of Journalism, our generous advertisers, and our talented contributors, the current masthead decided to throw a fundraiser to ensure we have the resources to produce the best magazine possible.

On Wednesday, February 13th, we invited fellow journalists, friends, and supporters to a night of drinks and music to celebrate being half way through the semester. Our event was held at the Black Bull Tavern on Queen Street West, and featured the musical stylings of DJ TIGERBLOOD. Ryerson journalism instructor Dan Westell also made an appearance. We are pleased to announce that the evening was a success! Thank you to all who came out to support our efforts. The Summer 2013 issue will hit stands in April so get ready for an even better party in honour of its launch.

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About the author

Gianluca Inglesi was the Visual Editors for the Summer 2013 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.

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By Gianluca Inglesi

Gianluca Inglesi was the Visual Editors for the Summer 2013 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.
