You’re invited to our 2015 launch party!

RRJ magazines

After eight months of sweat, tears and thankfully no blood (but so many tears), we’re almost ready to release the Spring 2015 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.

So come out on Tuesday, March 24 to help us celebrate! It’s your chance to get your hands on the magazine, mingle with industry professionals and wannabes, enjoy some free food and watch us argue with disgruntled sources who’ve tracked us down.


RSVP here and tell all your friends you’re going here. (It’s free! We just want to know how much food to order. You’re really doing yourself a service by following the link.)

That’s it! Now all you need to do is get excited by watching the trailers for this year’s stories.


And remember to follow the Review and its masthead on Twitter. Email the blog editor here

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About the author

Cormac was the blog editor for the 2014-15 issue of the Review. As a fourth year undergraduate at the School of Journalism, he had a keen interest in sports and business writing. He also hosted the Krates Collective hip hop podcast.

Categorized as Blog

By Cormac McGee

Cormac was the blog editor for the 2014-15 issue of the Review. As a fourth year undergraduate at the School of Journalism, he had a keen interest in sports and business writing. He also hosted the Krates Collective hip hop podcast.
