Future of magazines and rodent species now brighter

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It’s always exciting when magazines find new ways to incorporate content into their websites. Times are a-changin’ and at this point in the game, jumping on the bandwagon doesn’t seem so bad.

Last week, Canadian Geographic started using video to augment and extend its print stories. The re-establishment of the black-footed ferret, which has been believed to be extinct until now, is the first story to receive this treatment. The video of the ferret’s release to Saskatchewan’s Grasslands National Park was captured after the print deadline.

I don’t know about you, but my day has been made better knowing that both a magazine’s and a rodent species’ futures just became a little brighter. I mean, come on, cute little black paws! (The rodent’s, that is…)

These days, it’s extremely important for any publication to have a solid web base. Whether it’s full of exclusive content, links and more, or has an eye-catching design, how each publication chooses to use these formats will ultimately make or break its wagon. Being able to both watch and read about Canadian nature will appeal to the magazine’s audience, especially if the audience doesn’t have access to the Discovery Channel.

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About the author

Jessica Lewis was the Visuals Editor for the Spring 2010 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.

Categorized as Blog

By Jessica Lewis

Jessica Lewis was the Visuals Editor for the Spring 2010 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.
