Friday Funny: someone built a website to prove that clickbait headlines are ruining journalism. You won’t believe what happened next.

Website URL and mouse

If anybody needs us, we’ll be in the corner, laughing to fight back the tears.


Bless you, Headlines Against Humanity. Thanks for the hours of mildly depressing entertainment.

Remember to follow the Review and its masthead on Twitter. Email the blog editor here.


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About the author

Yusur was the head of research and writer for the 2014-2015 issue of the Review. She was a second year MA of Journalism student and a freelance journalist with keen interest on politics and human rights. Yusur is a Twitterholic!

Categorized as Blog

By Yusur Al Bahrani

Yusur was the head of research and writer for the 2014-2015 issue of the Review. She was a second year MA of Journalism student and a freelance journalist with keen interest on politics and human rights. Yusur is a Twitterholic!

1 comment

  1. Questions:I finally waecthd “Magic Mike” and am sold on Channing Tatum’s acting ability. A few years ago when he did “Fighting”, I would have told you he was one of the weaker actors I’d seen in a long time. Do you guys have any actors who you weren’t sold by at first but with time gained respect for?What do you guys do with screeners when you’re done watching them? I assume it’s just a normal quality DVD, so do you often upgrade to the blu-ray?In THR roundtable, David O’Russell mentioned he doesn’t read reviews of his movies. Isn’t this a poor attitude? I realize you don’t want to get hung up on one or two bad reviews when most people like your movies, but it’s still good to get different perspectives and you should be able to take a little criticism no matter what job you’re in. What do you guys think? Over / Under:6.5 – Oscar nominations for “The Hobbit”. To me, this seems like the biggest dark horse at this point. For reference the nominations and wins for the LOTR movies are: 13 noms with 4 wins for Fellowship, 6 noms with 2 wins for Towers, and 11 noms with 11 wins for Return. 2.5 – Times a day, on average, Cheetara checks in on her Bradley by looking at RopeOfSilicon5 – People on Earth that know the meaning behind the “RopeOfSilicon” name. (Note: 2nd biggest website mystery behind what Brad looks like. I think he’s white.)

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