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Facebook launched a new Journalists on Facebook page on Tuesday, intended to help reporters find sources and advance their stories. According to Justin Osofsky, director of media partnerships, “the Page will provide journalists with best practices for integrating the latest Facebook products with their work and connecting with the Facebook audience of more than 500 million people.”

This is nothing shockingly new, of course. Back in 2007 the Poynter Institute created the group “Journalists and Facebook” as an experiment (which has since devolved into spam). Both Facebook and Twitter have pages devoted to the media in general.

The company also announced a global series of workshops, starting on April 27th at their headquarters in California. In the meantime, the Journalists on Facebook page currently offers a few simple tips to getting started with the social network. For something a little more in-depth, check out Mashable’s guide for journalists, as well as this guide to Facebook security.

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About the author

Kevin Hamilton was the Front of Book Editor for the Summer 2011 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.

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