In an empty downtown Toronto furniture design store in early March, 200 people meet to see, listen and eat the new Homemakers magazine. “It is an experience of the brand,” explains editor-in-chief Kathy Ullyott. At one booth, a life coach teaches time-saving strategies. Beside it is the energizing smoothie stand and five-minute pilates demonstrations-all part of the… Continue reading What Women Want
Category: Winter 2009
Agent Derek Finkle
Derek Finkle doesn’t think Canadian freelancers are getting what they deserve. The former editor of Toro will be officially launching the Canadian Writers Group on May 11. The group has 50 freelancers signed on now, and the plan is to at least double that number by the end of the summer. It’s not a union.… Continue reading Agent Derek Finkle
No Logo
I have heard the clichés that newspapers and magazines are dying for the last four years. The comment usually stems from someone I see as a non-believer-who doesn’t understand the power of reporting or great writing. I put my faith in journalism, but have still faced unexpected and unpleasant complications. Shortly after interviewing Marco Ursi,… Continue reading No Logo
Bailing Out
I never actually wanted to be a journalist. When I was in Grade 11, my parents sat me down and asked what I wanted to do with my life. I said, “I wanna rock.” Much to my dismay, Dee Snider didn’t appear and throw my dad out the window the way he did in Twisted… Continue reading Bailing Out
If You Don’t Have Something Nice to Say…
After a nine-year-old girl died in a house fire on Sandy Bay reserve north of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, was one of the first to report the tragedy. As soon as the story went up, user comments began popping up on the site: “Native people do not have the knowledge to look after a house” and… Continue reading If You Don’t Have Something Nice to Say…