Crystal balls and strikes: swing and a miss for baseball’s pre-season predictions

“If something seems too good to be true, it probably is,” cautioned National Post baseball writer John Lott in November 2012, as fans whipped themselves into a frenzy over the Toronto Blue Jays. With everyone in baseball talking about the team—which had just completed a massive deal with the Miami Marlins for two starting pitchers… Continue reading Crystal balls and strikes: swing and a miss for baseball’s pre-season predictions

Categorized as Spring 2014

Office space: the story behind newspaper buildings

In the city of Metropolis, one building stands out from the rest. It’s a beacon of hope and a symbol of enduring truth—and it’s entirely fictitious. But the Daily Planet headquarters, where Clark Kent works as a reporter, is nevertheless a powerful reminder of all that newspaper buildings used to be. Crowned with an enormous… Continue reading Office space: the story behind newspaper buildings

Categorized as Spring 2014

Polar vortex meme shows journalists don’t have the weather down to a science

A retired Pennsylvania State University academic is “mad as hell” at journalists for getting the story so wrong during January’s record-breaking chilly temperatures. “The broadcasters and bloggers who introduced ‘polar vortex’ into the discussion of Arctic outbreaks this January made a giant, unscientific leap,” former lecturer and forecaster Lee Grenci wrote on a Penn State… Continue reading Polar vortex meme shows journalists don’t have the weather down to a science

Categorized as Spring 2014

Are letters to the editor still worth reading?

When Bob Dylan brought his Christian gospel tour to Toronto’s Massey Hall in 1980, he didn’t play his popular songs from before 1979. The ensuing controversy carried over to newspapers, where Toronto Sun reader Douglas Greenwood wrote a letter to the editor, reminding people of Dylan’s Jewish heritage. Some of Greenwood’s comments, such as, “If he is… Continue reading Are letters to the editor still worth reading?

Categorized as Spring 2014

Athletes increasingly jump from the podium to the Olympic broadcast booth

Two-time Olympic medallist Jennifer Heil is used to performing under the lights with her ski goggles and skis strapped on. But this month, as a commentator for CBC’s Sochi Olympics broadcast, the former freestyle moguls skier performed by analyzing the event in which she competed four years ago. Heil isn’t the only athlete to turn… Continue reading Athletes increasingly jump from the podium to the Olympic broadcast booth

Categorized as Spring 2014