Not Just for Laughs

Five writers gather in a dimly lit room on a Sunday evening. Black shutters and posters line the deep purple walls of the second floor of The Central, a Toronto bar. Classic rock bounces up from the deserted first floor and a faint smell of urine wafts from the nearby bathroom. Three writers sit around… Continue reading Not Just for Laughs

Responsible communication wins again

Illustration by Allison Baker

Six years after reporting on a B.C. surgeon whose patients had a troubling tendency to experience serious post-op complications, Kathy Tomlinson and CBC successfully invoked the relatively new defence of responsible communication to win a defamation lawsuit. Dr. Fernando Casses, who had his medial license revoked in Arizona before moving to B.C. to work as… Continue reading Responsible communication wins again

The future of the Review: Your suggestions wanted

Dear readers, As the publisher of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, I am writing to ask you to contribute to the current rethinking of the Review’s operational plan and editorial mission. You may be aware that this spring, I began asking colleagues, students and others to join in a consideration of the Review’s options. While… Continue reading The future of the Review: Your suggestions wanted

Who’s telling the truth about #WelcomeRefugees?

Do we know the truth about the Liberal refugee plan?

I don’t know who’s telling the truth about the Liberal refugee plan. On the one hand, there’s Paul McLeod, BuzzFeed‘s political editor, who published an article on November 25, 2015, titled “Someone Gave The Media A Bunch Of False Info About Canada’s Syrian Refugee Plan.” McLeod takes issue with a CBC report by Rosemary Barton that, days before the Liberals… Continue reading Who’s telling the truth about #WelcomeRefugees?
