Webster’s Digest

Former editor-in-chief Derek Webster hams it up for the camera at the Maisonneuve office courtesy of Derek Webste

Late this spring, the editorial team at Reader’s DigestCanada (circulation 936,000, founded 1948) gathered in the magazine’s offices on Montreal’s René Lévesque Boulevard Ouest and listened to a two-hour spiel about how to bring the staid old brand up to date. The insight came courtesy of Derek Webster, founding editor of the award-winning but reader-starved Maisonneuve (circulation 5,000, founded… Continue reading Webster’s Digest

To Report and Protect

Globe and Mail reporter Daniel Leblanc arrives at court in Montreal, Quebec, on November 5, 2008 photo by: Ian Barrett (courtesy of The Globe and Mail)

“While he likes the occasional brown envelope, he is also open to anonymous emails.” That’s the cheeky one-liner Daniel Leblanc delivers at the end of his Globe and Mailonline bio. An Ottawa-based reporter since 1998, Leblanc has been fighting the absence of source protection in this country for four years. Next week, he’ll sit in the… Continue reading To Report and Protect
