Going Long (and We Mean Really, Really, Really Long)

The newspaper medium is an easy mark for ridicule. Itscaricature consists of the inverted pyramid, the 5 o’clock deadline and a strict adherence to “just the facts, ma’am.” Yet for a half-decade Jon Wells has worked within the supposedly rigid confines of his daily newspaper, The Hamilton Spectator, and repeatedly tested the limits of long-form… Continue reading Going Long (and We Mean Really, Really, Really Long)

Categorized as Fall 2007

Social Conscience + Making Money = Successful Business Magazine Strategy

With three days to go until the third issue goes to press,unlimited editor Dan Rubinstein isbusy. Hunched over his computer, he does the last edit on the cover story for January-February’s “Transformation” issue. The story is a feature on 24-year-old millwright Billie Lyons, a woman who symbolizes the gender shift in the trades industry. Rubinstein… Continue reading Social Conscience + Making Money = Successful Business Magazine Strategy

Categorized as Fall 2007

Sex Bazaars, Porn Stars

Pick up the October–November issue of Desi Life magazine and you’ll see the headline “Boy Wonder” and a smiling 13-year-old, who happens to be a golf champion, lying in a pool of golf balls. But a quick look inside the magazine reveals decidedly more provocative material: the experiences of five gay men in South Asia,… Continue reading Sex Bazaars, Porn Stars

Categorized as Fall 2007