I loved my magazine internship. I worked full-time: fact checking, occasionally copy editing and writing a monthly column with another intern. I was never paid, but I didn’t care. I learned how a magazine is produced and I got experience I could put on my resume. I suppose this was payment enough. Did I expect… Continue reading Internships: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Category: Articles
2 is Better Than None
Diane Hall and her husband Gerry Brown had a busy February. So busy in fact, they could only spare a few minutes for an interview about their new project. As the publisher and founder of one of Canada’s newest magazines, they’ve spent countless hours at the office getting the publication ready for its March launch.… Continue reading 2 is Better Than None
Radio Francais
Valery Vlad is optimistic. He also looks decidedly out of place. Sitting outside a small café at the corner of Queen Street and Spadina Avenue, wearing a rough green sweater, jeans, work boots, his big hands engulfing a tiny white mug of expresso, Vlad can’t stop smiling. He’s president of the board of directors for… Continue reading Radio Francais
Download This!
Casually dressed employees type away at their cubicles. The phone rings continuously over top droning, anxious coworkers. Posters of prominent Canadian artists like The Tragically Hip and Sam Roberts decorate the walls of the spacious studio loft. At first glance the UmbrellaMusic.com offices at 30 St. Clair West in midtown Toronto resemble its print magazine… Continue reading Download This!
Measuring Readership
In 2001, the international publishing world welcomed a new competitor. Canada’s Print Measurement Bureau switched from its old method of gauging magazine readership of “through-the-book” to the worldwide standard of “recent reading.” This change in methodology altered the landscape of Canada’s publishing industry and how its magazines are perceived in the international playing field. The… Continue reading Measuring Readership