Caught on Camera: How citizen video told Sammy Yatim’s story

By Miro Rodriguez Martin Baron walked home from a late dinner with his wife and son on a warm July night in Toronto, he saw what appeared to be an empty streetcar stopped in the middle of the road. Brushing it off as just broken down, the family continued walking. Suddenly, police officers ran toward… Continue reading Caught on Camera: How citizen video told Sammy Yatim’s story

Breaking faith: are religious newspapers reporting or preaching?

By Luc Rinaldi I don’t have a story. That’s my first thought as I emerge from a downtown subway station on an overcast October afternoon in 2011. I’m on assignment to cover a pro-life rally for The Catholic Register, a Toronto-based religious weekly, but the small turnout—two dozen picketers line the sidewalk—hardly constitutes news. As I… Continue reading Breaking faith: are religious newspapers reporting or preaching?

Why conservative columnists can’t live up to Peter Worthington

In May 1976, three Mounties walked into Peter Worthington’s glass-walled Toronto Sun office with a search warrant. They wanted a leaked RCMP letter that contained information about Canadians charged with espionage and treason, which the Sun editor had recently mentioned in a column. He refused to hand it over. When they pleaded for a hint,… Continue reading Why conservative columnists can’t live up to Peter Worthington

Cottage Life 2.0

Walking into the Cottage Life offices—located in a repurposed house in downtown Toronto—you are immediately greeted by two large Muskoka chairs. Sitting in these chairs encourages you to lounge back, relax and take in all of the products surrounding you. Everything from Cottage Lifesweaters, towels and baseball hats to cottage-themed chess sets, decks of cards and… Continue reading Cottage Life 2.0

Rob Ford: Professor of Journalism

[Text contains three clarifications to original article as published in the RRJ print edition:] When I started my journalism studies at Ryerson University, I naively thought I would be learning how to be a good reporter from the professors and practitioners visiting my classroom. Boy was I wrong. It isn’t the classroom that provides the answers to how to… Continue reading Rob Ford: Professor of Journalism
