Hear No Error, See No Error, Post No Error

Before the launch of OpenFile, editor-in-chief Kathy Vey knew that the hyperlocal news site needed an online corrections policy. “It’s not just a policy,” she says. “It’s our credibility on the line.” And once a news outlet loses its credibility, it is extremely difficult to get it back. OpenFile brought Craig Silverman aboard as editorial… Continue reading Hear No Error, See No Error, Post No Error

Too Scared to Try

Hundreds of rings cover a satellite image of Japan’s eastern coast on The New York Times website. The largest ring, which looms over the curve in the land near the city of Fukushima, shows a 9.0 magnitude on the Richter scale; it represents the earthquake that shook the country and caused the devastating tsunami that… Continue reading Too Scared to Try

Categorized as Winter 2012


Jonathan Goldsbie is a Toronto civic geek. He bikes everywhere, drinks ethically sourced coffee and likes talking about local indie music in Kensington Market. And, of course, he tweets. Constantly. Over his two-and-a-half years on Twitter, he’s averaged about 35 tweets per day. But somehow, this seemingly harmless dude landed himself in one of the… Continue reading #twitterfight

Toronto Life’s Christine Dewairy faces design challenger

At Maclean’s, art director Christine Dewairy was responsible for redesigning a tired magazine for the “grandparents,” as she puts it, that was lagging on the newsstand. But when she became responsible for an additional three magazines (MoneySense, Canadian Business and Profit), she found herself doing more overseeing and less designing. So when Toronto Life  editor… Continue reading Toronto Life’s Christine Dewairy faces design challenger

Community papers connect with local readers in ways big city papers can’t

Denise Smith doesn’t use the internet and she doesn’t have a smartphone. The small business associate from Grimsby, Ontario, reads one newspaper a week: The Grimsby-Lincoln News. It’s a community newspaper with a weekly circulation of 23,450 that covers the 238 square kilometre stretch between Grimsby and West Lincoln. There is no business or international… Continue reading Community papers connect with local readers in ways big city papers can’t
