The Even Darker Side?

Fewer reporters, more companies and less time is an equation that deeply troubled Bill Calder. As the corporate-communications manager for Intel, one of the world’s largest technology firms, Calder was finding it increasingly difficult to get his company’s message out to the public. “Reporters today are stretched too thin,” he says. “They just can’t cover… Continue reading The Even Darker Side?

Summer 2011 teaser: A Walk with Spacing magazine

Spacing is an award-winning magazine that explores and celebrates Toronto’s urban landscape. It’s evolved from a fearless advocate for a more livable city to an authoritative voice with influence at City Hall. The magazine’s success largely stems from the dedication and thoughtfulness of its editors, who are all urban geeks that know Toronto inside and… Continue reading Summer 2011 teaser: A Walk with Spacing magazine

Transforming the Tube

The TV industry is silently changing. As smartphones sell by the millions, it’s no coincidence that newscasts are evolving. The role of the broadcast journalist is expanding to include social media, and the newsroom is shrinking as automated production systems and robotic cameras slash jobs. Technology — right down to the application of high-definition (HD)… Continue reading Transforming the Tube
