Gambling with Integrity

It’s July 27, 1998. As the sun sinks behind the Detroit skyline, the diamonds splashed across the fa?ade of Windsor’s new casino begin to fade. So too does the glare thrown off by the bone-white streets specially constructed to accommodate the big, shiny white-and-aquamarine monstrosity. In the half-light of dusk, the massive, rainbow-coloured neon canopy… Continue reading Gambling with Integrity

Bright Lights, Small City

The bright afternoon sun illuminates the crimson and gold autumn leaves of October. Massive white clouds-the kind that often take the shape of animals and people-slowly drift across the bright blue sky. Fairport Marine and Tackle, a weathered, powder blue and white building with a red, hand-painted “Minnows” sign, sits beside a gently flowing river.… Continue reading Bright Lights, Small City

After a Refashion

Inside the conference room at CB Media Ltd., Art Johnson, editor of Canadian Business, leans back on his chair and puts his hands behind his head. His greying, wispy hair is carefully combed to the side and his blue-grey eyes seem to hide under his dark eyebrows. The room has a low ceiling, dull lighting and… Continue reading After a Refashion

”Ah, that a man should live so well”

At last spring’s convocation for the University of King’s College, the keynote speaker was the 62-year-old publisher and editor of the Prince Edward Island weekly Eastern Graphic: a man renowned for journalistic bravery, who forbade his reporters to attend press conferences, regularly scooped the dailies and insisted on paying his interns. On May 14, 1998, Jim MacNeill… Continue reading ”Ah, that a man should live so well”

Sins of Omission(2)

The silence was powerful. On November 7, 1997, just days before the municipal election, almost 500 people met at the fork of the Thames River and paced wordlessly through the streets of London, Ontario, to City Hall. Mothers wheeled their children in strollers, men volunteered to stand at the street corners to ensure that the… Continue reading Sins of Omission(2)
