Cop Talk with Rosie and Christie

Inside Toronto police headquarters, acting inspector Mike Sale has just switched on the VCR. He’s about to play for me a 1995 W Five segment on Rosie DiManno of The Toronto Star and Christie Blatchford of The Toronto Sun, “the two hottest columnists on two of the country’s biggest papers.” I’d been searching for this tape for weeks. Neither of the… Continue reading Cop Talk with Rosie and Christie

Ties that Bind

Most small towns don’t have mass murderers, serial rapists or serious career criminals to worry about. But for whatever reason-be it boredom, foolishness or people’s belief they’ll never get caught on isolated rural highways-many have their drunk drivers. On Friday, May 16, 1997, at a routine checkpoint in Markham, a town just north of Toronto,… Continue reading Ties that Bind

Prize Writer

Seven years ago, as Stephen Brunt drove his family back from a wedding in Chicago, he realized he was near the home of his childhood hero. And Brunt had heard it was possible to just drop in on Muhammad Ali. “What the heck?” he thought. “It’s just off the road.” He stopped at a store… Continue reading Prize Writer
