You’ve Come A Long Way…

It is 4 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18, 2007, in the Queen Street East offices of St. Joseph Media. The fourth-floor kitchen is crowded with Toronto Life magazine staffers who sip Trius Brut sparkling wine and nibble on cheese while Sharon McAuley, the magazine’s publisher, gives a speech. They should be at their Macs working on the… Continue reading You’ve Come A Long Way…

Letters to a Young Publisher

From: Subject: Need Advice—Should I Invest in Brand Extensions? Date: January 16, 2008, 9:43:12 AM EST To: Dear Mr. Shawn, I’m the publisher of an 18-month-old bimonthly business magazine targeting young entrepreneurs. I’ve heard a great deal about your experience with creating successful magazine brands, and I was hoping you could help me.… Continue reading Letters to a Young Publisher

Killer Smile

Wendy Mesley sits on a couch with Sarah Mulvihill in Brockville, Ontario in February 2005 to interview her for an episode of Marketplace. Mulvihill, 30, has blue eyes and chin-length, feathered blond hair. Six years earlier Mulvihill was one of the first Canadians to be prescribed Diane-35, a pill for severe acne. Mulvihill was told that… Continue reading Killer Smile
