Paper Thin

On April 5, 2001, a brown paper envelope arrived anonymously at the Ottawa offices of the National Post. It was addressed to Andrew McIntosh, an investigative reporter who had been looking into then-Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s business dealings in his Quebec riding, which was known at the time as Saint-Maurice. McIntosh was particularly interested in… Continue reading Paper Thin

A Change in the Weather

An empty studio desk at the Weather Network headquarters in Oakville, Ontario never stays empty for long. Within seconds, it becomes scattered with lipstick-stained coffee cups, maps of Canada and piles of meteorological data printouts. Suzanne Leonard Feliz, the afternoon program host, leans forward, pen poised over her maps, listening as the studio meteorologist on… Continue reading A Change in the Weather

Whyte Noise

Inside the main theatre of the Toronto Centre for the Arts, past and present Maclean’s staffers are about to gorge themselves on dinner, celebrating both the one hundredth anniversary of their magazine and its radical new design. They’ll dine under a row of chandeliers, joined by a mishmash of Canadian celebrities – Kim Cattrall, Gordon… Continue reading Whyte Noise

Riding with the Right

The poster is everywhere in the offices of the Western Standard-in the foyer, in the coffee room, beside individual cubicles and on the walls by the office of Ezra Levant, the magazine’s publisher and co-founder. Professionally done and beautifully rendered, it could be mistaken for actual advertising for The Sopranossecond season DVD box set. Up… Continue reading Riding with the Right

The Girl Next Door

Laurie Perks, York Regional Police media spokesperson, raises her voice above the drone of circling helicopters so the reporters can hear her. The scene outside Alicia Ross’s family home on August 18, 2005, is chaotic. Police have blocked the street to traffic; photographers and TV crews cluster around the mobile command centre outside the distinguished,… Continue reading The Girl Next Door
